Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EOC week 6: Me x3

Every time I pass an electronic section of a store I have to stop by the booth with the headphones. As an audio major I am constantly looking at the specs and differences between consumer and pro-sumer gear.  I look at headphones like an artist looks at paint brushes. Each piece pair of headphones has a quality that the other doesn’t. And obviously better quality headphones serve me better use while mixing or simply studying the way someone else acquired there mix. Headphones hold clarity that speaker cannot have. Because of the sound isolating abilities this allows for disturbance from the speaker to you ear, so great detail can be defined.
                Guitar and musical accessories is also something that I am forever indulging myself in. as a musician in a competitive world using equipment that sounds good and makes the stage more convenient, is important. If the I am not feeling the music I have created, I know that the crowd I am playing to is definitely no feeling it. So by investing in smarter better sounding equipment I allow myself to concentrate on my playing and crowd appeal as opposed to concentrating on stepping on 20 pedals to change an effect.
                Clothing as a child meant nothing more than just rags that attempted to keep my skin clean. Of course this all changed when girls didn’t have cooties, the work force needs employee’s to look professional and Rock stars need to look like celebrities. We live in a world were first impressions are everything. And the human brain is so prejudice that even that slightest mistake can turn a pretty girl, an employer, or a potential fan away from what you are trying to present. By dressing nice, it helps to further influence an audience to believe because I have nice clothes I a responsible, respectable and depending on the fashion of dress professional. So while in a clothing store I am always looking for clothes that define me. For example, I never by t-shirts with a brand name that takes up the majority of a design, because I am not: tommy Hilfiger, Hugo, or a UFC fighter. I am an individual who likes a sense of style not a fancy font on the front of my shirt. I find myself bewildered that I use the word “individual”, when the clothing is mass produced…?

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